anti-gay team

22.10.2006., nedjelja


Evo.....ponovo se javljam.....ali ovaj put neću vaz probati zabaviti sa glupim tekstom,jer jednostavno nemam iskustva iznositi svoje privatne stvari na ovaj glupi blog,pa sam odlučio staviti par video clipova,ako vam se sviđaju.....molim vas komentirajte...........

Weeeeeelllllll, Kyle's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch,
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world,
She's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch,
She's a bitch to all the boys and girls!

Shut your fucking mouth Cartman!

On Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch,
And Wednesday through Saturday she's a bitch,
Then on Sunday, just to be different,
She's a super king kamehameha bi-atch!

Come on, you all know the words!

Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom?
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world,
She's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair,
She's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch...
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, she's a stupid bitch!
Kyle's mom's a bitch, and she just a dirty bitch!

Talk to kids around the world,
It might go a little bit somethin' like this!

(Cartman & kids in various languages)

Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom?
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world,
She's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair,
She's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch...
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, she's a stupid bitch!

Uh, Cartman...

Kyle's mom's a bitch, and she just a dirty bitch!

I'm really mad at Kyle's mom!
She's a big fat, fuckiiin' biiiiiitch,
Mean old fat fuckin' bitch, Kyle's moooom yeah-chaaaa...


Oh, fuck...

- 19:22 - Komentari (20) - Isprintaj - #


South Park kicks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Mackey: There are times when you get suckered in
By drugs and alchohol and sex with women-mmkay
But its when you do these things too much
That you've become an addict and must get back in touch
You can do it Its all up to you-mmmmmkay
With a little plan you can change your life tooo-day
You dont have to spend your life addicted to smack
Homeless on the streets giving handjobs for crack
Follow my plan and very soon you will see-eeyy, its easy mmkay

Step 1: Instead of ass say buns, like "kiss my buns" or "you're a buns hole"

Step 2: Instead of shit say poo, as in "bull poo", "poo head" and this "poo is cold"

Step 3: With bitch drop the t because bich is latin for generosity

Step 4: Dont say fuck any more because fuck is the worst word that you can say

So just use the word mmmkay!

Children: We can do it its all up to us-mmmkay (mmmkay)
With a little plan we can change our lives tooo-day
Mr, Mackey: you can change it today
Everyone: We don't have to spend our lives shootin up in the trash
Homeless on the streets giving handjobs for cash
Follow this plan and very soon you will see-eey
Its easy mmkay!

Mr. Mackey: Step 1 Children: Instead of ass say buns, like kiss my buns or
you're a buns hole

Mr. Mackey: Step 2 Children: Instead of shit say poo, as in bull poo, poo head and
this poo is cold

Mr. Mackey: Step 3 Children: With bitch drop the t because bich is latin for

Mr. Mackey: Step 4 Children: Dont say fuck any more

Everyone: Cuz fuck is the worst word that you can say
Children: Fuck is the worst word that you can say
We shouldn't say fuck, no we shouldn't say fuck, fuck nooooo!!!
Mr. Mackey: Your cured, you can go!
Everyone: We don't have to spend our lives shootin up in the trash
homeless on the streets giving handjobs for cash
Follow this plan and very soon you will saaay
Its easy mmmkay!
Children: It's easy mmmkay!
Mr. Mackey: It's easy mmmkay!
Children: It's easy mmmkay!
Mr. Mackey: It's easy mmmkaaaaaaaayy
Children: It's easy mmm
It's easy mmm
It's easy mmm
It's easy mmmkaaaay
(both finish at same time)
Mr. Mackey: Mmmkay

- 19:14 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Terrance: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka
You're a cock sucking ass licking uncle fucka
You're an uncle fucka, yes its true
Nobody fucks uncles quite like you

Phillip: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka
You're the one that fucked your uncle, uncle fucka
You dont eat or sleep or mow the lawn,
You just fuck your uncle all day long

(farting noises)
Phillip: Hmm!
(farting noises)
(farting noises)
Some Guy: What's going on here?
(farting noises)
Some Woman: What garbage!
Some Other Guy: Well, what do you expect? They're Canadian.
Fucker fucker uncle fucka uncle fucka fucka fucka fucka
T & P: Shut your fucking face uncle fucka
You're a boner biting bastard uncle fucka
Terrance: You're an uncle fucka I must say
Phillip: Why you fucked your uncle yesterday
Everyone: (laughing)
People: Uncle fucka... thats
Everyone: U-N-C-L-E fuck you Uncle
Fuckaaaaaa ............

Phillip: Suck my balls!

- 19:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

24.09.2006., nedjelja

EVO vam na......napokon......neponovljivo........novi post

Imam problem neznam kaj da napišemnono...ima ko koju idejunono...nema i mislil sam silud.........Ovako skoro mjesec dana parokletog pakla burninmadje prošlo i s ocjenama ne stojim najblje jedino kaj sam dobil je jedna jebena 2mad i jedna jebeno velika 4madmad .......a iz kojeg predmeta naravno iz jebenog BRITANSKOG JEZIKA....ostalo je sve za sad uredu osim ke na matki svaki sat raska potroši 15-20minut da nama pokaže kak je s nama nemoguće održati normalan sat(to nije načinlud)i vjerujem jojsmijehsmijehsmijehno dobro ostavimo sad taj inferno...i idemo u jedan još veči pakao, kuća po običaju tam ništ nije kak treba...naravno starci me teraju da stalno učim i ja ih slušam(moš si mislit kak)...a tu je još usisavanje i pospremanje sobeheadbang i tak...............ali kak naslov jedne knjige glasi KOD KUĆE JE NAJGORE
ende,fine,kraj i jebeni the end

- 12:17 - Komentari (24) - Isprintaj - #

11.08.2006., petak


bokmahmahrekel sam da bum napisal kak je bilo na kampu i to sam napravil u ovom postu

ovo je bila naša soba u kojoj smo bili horvat,vilim,sović i ja ludludlud
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a ovo je moj krevetsmokin
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u našu sobu je svaki dan dolazilo pola kampaludludi onda je to ovak izgledalonamcor
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i pozdravljaju vasthumbupthumbup(na svoj način)
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a ovo je hodnik u kojem nikad nije bilo tihopartyparty
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a bilo je i tučnjavaheadbangheadbang
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tu baby shacq drži pandura naopačkenaughtynaughty
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treninge smo imali dva puta dnevno i onda je još na večer bila
utakmica svi smo dobili upalu mišičanono,a ovo je teren
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dok su završile utakmice mogli smo biti u gradu do 22:30smijehsmijeh
ovak izgleda grad noću
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a na putu smo naišli i na sovićevu bračuwinkwink
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tu smo se morali okupiti prije nego smo išli na doručak ručak ili večeru
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a tu smo jelinjaminjaminjami
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a ulice su bile ovak širokezujozujo
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svaki dan smo imali turnir (utakmice)i na kraju koje imal najviše pobjeda
u turnirima bil je prvak kampa a mi smo bili prvaci flipič,sović,vilim,siki i ja
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uvjek dok smo se vratili s kupanja,treninga ili iz grada klinci su navalili
na sovićev mob igrati and1lud(tak se zove košarkaška igrica)
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svako gleda svog posla ili svoj mobzujozujo
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e sad ide jedna priča siki i zvonac su se zaljubili u jednu curu
i onda su joj kupovali kinder bueno da bi im ona dala njen broj
onaim ga je dala ali nije bil pravi broj

ima još jedna priča dok smo šetali gradom neki klinac se stalno
zaletaval u sikija i psoval mu mater i tak svaku večer onda je jednom
valteru to dojadilo i klinca je pogurnul u vodu(pogledajte sliku devet
tam ga je pogurnul u vodu)i onda je mali rekel da bude pozval svoje
velike prijatelje a onda su oni zamolili flipića,vekija,prgija,mislava,
vilima,sovića,buntiče i mene da im pomognemo i dog su nas ovi
vidli nekim čudom su nestali to je bila prava banda

i tak bilo je još toga ali eto opisal sam ono čega se najviše siječam
kraj,ende,fine,the endmahmahmahmahmahmah

Written by NoFak
- 10:58 - Komentari (41) - Isprintaj - #

10.08.2006., četvrtak

Za promjenu budem ja(Bobonjami) napisal post.Iskreno nemam blage veze kaj da pišem,pa sam zato odlučil ipak ne pisatiwavewavewavewavewavewavewave.................
- 20:06 - Komentari (14) - Isprintaj - #

I´m back

Evo prošao je jedan tjedanwink, a jasam se vratil s košarkaškog kampaheadbang................
tam je bilo ok,partysve vam bum opisal u drugom postu koj bum napisal ili danas ili sutrawinkwinkjer mi se sad neda

BY NoFak
- 10:34 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

01.08.2006., utorak

A´ll be back

Pa evo novi postthumbup………ovak iz dosadezijev……..tjedan dana je prošlo od zadnjeg…………….kak da opišem ovaj tjedan…..e našel sam pravu riječ DOSADAN!!!!!…………………al kaj se tu moreheadbang……………očito ništ……………….kao da dosada nije dovoljna nego tu je još nekoburninmad .....…....Ajde pogađajte ko………………….naravno starcinut …………………….. celi tjedan me mučenamcor .........................Moral sam svaki dan ujutro i navečer po 10 minut vozit ludonaj bicikel ili steper kak god očet i to na najtežem…………………..sad ak imate 1ili2 iz matke to vam je 20 min na danblabla …………............................ Dobro to ja morem izdržat morem ja i 40……......…..........ali stara me učila kak se peru čarapeheadbang ………............................... Pitate se zakaj i smijete se ok yes……………….zato jer sutra idem u košarkaški kamp…………............................Zato sam moral i vježbati jer tam su treninzi 2 put dnevnozujo………..a stari me ne veruje da ............................ Ja to morem izdržat………………….i da u nedjelju sam zaradil 50 kn u 20 mingreedy ……………..................................Ak se pitate kak objasnil bum….ovak paps(tak zovem starog)mi nije veroval da na tom steperu ili nepokretnom biciklu kak god očete morem izdržat 20 min na najtežemsmokin …………………………........ I kladili smo se naravno ja sam izdržal i tak sam zaradil 50 knnaughty……………(naravno dan nisam izdržal nebi mu dal 5 bankithumbup)…………i onda sam išel na školsko tam su bili pinky,figo,vilim,ado i špiro……….vilim i ja smo pobjedili pinkyja i figoasmijeh …………………................................................
…………………….. a ostali dani tjedna su bili jadnizijev………………………………………….sutra idem na kamp ali kak naslov veli al be backnamcor
ende,kraj,fine,the end

Written by NOFAK
- 10:06 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

26.07.2006., srijeda

Evo vam novi postthumbup..........................................ovaj bu duži.................(nadamo se)...........................
........I tak imamo novi post a viwink............................ja(nofaknamcor) sam bil na moru...................A(Bobo)ja nisam.....
.....Na(Nofak) moru je bilo dosadnozijev+vrućeburninmad+gnjavaža s roditeljimaludi kao bonus izgorel sammadkad se to sve zbroji=jebeš more.....................Na apartmane nemam pritužbe hvala bogu imali su klimu jer je vani bilo najmanje 1500000000000000000c........................a u Makrskoj je bilo najbolje nisam imal dovoljno očiju da vidim sve je bil dobar dio............................ali dok smo se vratili s mora morali smo ispravak moral sam izvaditi sve stvari iz autapuknucu.....a sad najgori dio moral sam si i pospremiti sobuno
Meni(Bobonjami)je doma bilo dobro osim ke sam razbil prozordead,sad sam u kazni i moral sam dati novce za novi i ode mi 3 mjesečni đeparac....................i da pes mi je pojel nove patikemad......ostalo je bilo dobro.............skoro sam zaboravil reči da sam istegnul vratnu žilu pa sam moral iti u toplice sad mi je dobro, a tam sam videl jako dobrog komadanaughty.......................i sad si pokušavam opet sad bez uspjeha.........................jebiga nije to lakonono...............................................................................................................................................................................................
A za jaxa nas BOLI KURAC
kraj,ende,fine,the endnjaminamcor
- 10:26 - Komentari (18) - Isprintaj - #

05.07.2006., srijeda

Bok,komentirajthumbup ili crknidead!
- 12:17 - Komentari (86) - Isprintaj - #

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Opis bloga

Mali,jadan,glup ali vrijedan našeg vremena!

Two Tablespoons of cinnamon, and 2 or 3 eggwhites
Half a stick of butter, meeeelted..
Stick it all in a bowl baby, Stir it with a wooden spoon
Mix in a Cup of Flour, you'll be in heaven soon
Say everybody have you seen my balls?
They're big and salty and brown
If you ever need a quick Pick-me-up
Just stick my balls in your mouth!
Ooh, suck on my chocolate salty balls,
Stick em in your mouth and suck em!
Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls
they're packed full of vitamins, and good for you,
So suck on My balls!

Quarter cup of unsweeted chocolate, and half cup of brandy
Then throw in a bag or two of sugar, and just a pinch of vanilla
Grease up the cookiesheet, cos i hate when my balls stick
Then Preheat the oven to 350°, and give that spoon a lick
Say everybody have you seen my balls?
They're big and salty and brown
If you ever need a quick Pick me up
Just stick my balls in your mouth...
Suck on my chocolate salty balls
Stick em in your mouth and suck em!
Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls
they're packed full of goodness, high in Fibre
Suck on My balls!

[sniff sniff] Hey, wait a minute, what's that smell?
Smells like something burning
Well, that don't confront me none
As long as I get my rent paid on the Friday.
Baby you'd better get back in the Kitchen..
Cos i've gotta Sneaking Suspicion..
Oh man baby, baby! You just burnt my balls!

Someone help me, my balls are on fire!
Get some ice baby! My balls are Burning!
Get some water, pour some water on me!
My Balls are burning!
Help me, Blow on em, Blow on em, do something!
Ooh, suck on my chocolate salty balls
Stick em in your mouth and suck em!
Suck on my Chocolate Salty balls
Put em out baby, Blow em!
Suck on my balls, baby! Suck on my balls Baby!
Suck on my red hot, salty, chocolate balls
Put em out baby, hoo, hoo
Suck on my balls...


O anti-gay teamu

U timu su:

Bok!Ja sam Jakov,ali svi me zovu Jax.Pišem ovaj blog zbog sira.Pisat ću o svom životu i o sranjimja koje mi se svakodnevno događaju u onoj jebenoj školi i izvan nje.Najviše vremena provodim na igralištu sa svojim najboljim prijateljima Dinojem i Markom.Tamo igram nogomet,ali i različita sranja.Recimo,svakodnevno kradem trešnje pokojnoj babi Jagi ili razbijem koji jebeni prozor.U školi prolazim s jedva odličnim uspjehom.Imam par četvorki jer mi one kurve iz prirode i zemljopisa neću dati 5.U školi imam preprepreprevelike sreće i uvijek se izvlačim iz svakakvih danas sam moral zadaću iz matematike napisat dvaput,ili bi dobil onu usranu ocjenu.Nisam je napisal niti jedanput,ali matke nije bilo neg je bila ona jebena,usrana i glupa radionica no ja se nisam žalil.Isto tak sam kurvi iz prirode predal burazov herbarij koji sam dopunil tuđim biljkama i nisam dobil kulju jer me nije skužila.Evo i nekaj o mojim best frendovima:
DINO ZAGORŠČAK-dobar je frend i uvijek je spreman pomoći
MARKO ŠAMEC-isto je dobar frend ali je jako tvrdoglav
LUKA STANIŠIĆ-on je isto super frend i uvijek mi pomaže u sranjima.

Bok!Ja sam drugi član anti-gay teama.smokinZovem se Ivan Novak ali svi me zovu Nofuck.naughtySlušam 50-cent,Eminema,Xzibita i Trick-Trick,a i sam sam reper. Treniram košarku igram na šuterovoj poziciji i uzor mi je Tracy McGrady. Kompjuterski sam profić i profesionalno se bavim gledanjem pornića. U školi prolazim najvjerovatnije s 4,a škola mi ide već na kurac. Nastavnice iz povijesti, zemljopisa i prirode mi neću dati 5. Već mi je i njemački dopizdel isto. A i imam manje sreće od Jaxa.headbangal sad će praznici. U slobodno vrijeme igram se na kompjuteru "učim" i igram košarku s prijateljima Mimiem, Boboem, Pokosom i Pinkyem. A i starci me stalno gnjave doslovno mi nedaju mira.lud No hvala ti Bože sad budem išel u kamp pa ih se bum rešil. Curu nemam pa zato navalite.
Best friends su :
Bobo- onaj koj se zna zajebavatismijeh
Pinky- the stupid onenut
Mimi-zovite ga GAYSHAdead

Bok! Ime mi je Borna,ali me svi zovu Bobo party ili Mrvica njami .Pišem ovaj blog jer mi je dosadno i nemam pametnijeg posla za raditi headbang .Igram i treniram košarku,a uzor mi je Ben Wallace jer super igra i ima fora frizuru. Kad sam doma, većinu vremena provodim slušajući glazbu ,a usput pogledam koji pornić naughty. Starci (wave) su mi O.K. pa se nemam za što žaliti....Mrzim narodnjake i neke ljude,a najviše volim slušti glazbu(Iron Maiden i Led Zeppelin),gledati televiziju,visiti na kompu i naravno družiti se i izlazizi sa naj frendovima i frendicama....
MIMI : ulazi u pubertet
JURA : zver tip
MATO : neću komentirat
JAX : lalala
HANŽA : pitajte Ivanu
DUJNIĆ : ak je koja cura slobodna,javite mu se
i ostali,podsijetite me u školi
IVANA : super cura
PAULA : isto super cura
ICA : isto super cura
PATRISHA : isto super cura
NOVAK : isto super cura
DORA : isto super cura
i ostale,podsijetite me u školi

A ovo je jedna pjesma od Iron Maidena(nisam stavil Fear of the Dark kad to svi znaju napamet)

Dance Of Death

[Gers / Harris]

Let me tell you a story to chill the bones
About a thing that I saw
One night wandering in the everglades
I'd one drink but no more

I was rambling, enjoying the bright moonlight
Gazing up at the stars
Not aware of a presence so near to me
Watching my every move

Feeling scared and I fell to my knees
As something rushed me from the trees
Took me to an unholy place
And that is where I fell from grace

Then they summoned me over to join in with them
To the dance of the dead
Into the circle of fire I followed them
Into the middle I was led

As if time had stopped still I was numb with fear
But still I wanted to go
And the blaze of the fire did no hurt upon me
As I walked onto the coals

And I felt I was in a trance
And my spirit was lifted from me
And if only someone had the chance
To witness what happened to me

And I danced and I pranced and I sang with them
All had death in their eyes
Lifeless figures they were undead all of them
They had ascended from hell

As I danced with the dead
My free spirit was laughing and howling down at me
Below my undead body
Just danced the circle of dead

Until the time came to reunite us both
My spirit came back down to me
I didn't know if I was alive or dead
As the others all joined in with me

By luck then a skirmish started
And took the attention away from me
When they took their gaze from me
Was the moment that I fled

I ran like hell faster than the wind
But behind I did not glance
One thing that I did not dare
Was to look just straight ahead

When you know that your time has come around
You know you'll be prepared for it
Say your last goodbyes to everyone
Drink and say a prayer for it

When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed
And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead
When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed
And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead

To this day I guess I'll never know
Just why they let me go
But I'll never go dancing no more
'Til I dance with the dead

Još jedna od Maidena


[Steve Harris]

I was born into a scene of angriness and greed, and dominance and persecution.
My mother was a queen, my dad I've never seen, I was never meant to be.
And now I spend my time looking all around,
For a man that's nowhere to be found.
Until I find him I'm never gonna stop searching,
I'm gonna find my man, gonna travel around.

'Cos I'm a wrathchild, well I'm a wrathchild.
Yeah I'm a wrathchild. I'm coming to get you, oooh yeah.

Say it doesn't matter ain't nothin' gonna alter the course of my destination.
I know I've got to find some serious piece of mind, or I know I'll go crazy.
But now I spend my time looking all around,
For a man thats nowhere to be found.
Until I find him I'm never gonna stop searching,
I'm gonna find my man, gonna travel around.



[Steve Harris]

Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen,
Fantasies lived times before.
I split my brain, melt through the floor.

Over clouds my mind will fly, forever now I can't think why.
My body tries to leave my soul.
Or is it me, I just don't know.
Mem'ries rising from the past, the future's shaddow overcast.
Something's clutching at my head, through the darkness I'll be led.

Oh another time, another place.
Oh another smile on another face.
When you see me floating up beside you,
You get the feeling that all my love's inside of you.

Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
Please take me away, take me away, so far away.

Thinking of an age old dream, places I have never seen,
Fantasies lived times before.
I split my brain, melt through the floor.

Over clouds my mind will fly, forever now I can't think why.
My body tries to leave my soul.
Or is it me, I just don't know.
Mem'ries rising from the past, the future's shaddow overcast.
Something's clutching at my head, through the darkness I'll be led.

Oh another time, another place.
Oh another smile on another face.
When you see me walking up beside you,
You get the feeling that all my love's inside of you.

Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
Please take me away, take me away, so far away.
Please take me away, take me away, so far away.

Ovo je jebena pjesma od Maidena(obavezno poslušajte i pročitajte)

No Prayer For The Dying


There are times when I've wondered
And times when I've cried
When my prayers they were answered
At times when I've lied
But if you asked me a question
Would I tell you the truth
Now there's something to bet on
You've got nothing to lose

When I've sat by the window
And gazed at the rain
With an ache in my heart
But never feeling the pain
And if you would tell me
Just what my life means
Walking a long road
Never reaching the end

God give me the answer to my life
God give me the answer to my dreams
God give me the answer to my prayers
God give me the answer to my being

Ovo je jedna pjesme od malo manje poznate grupe Dragon Force,ali je pjesma zver.....

Valley Of The Damned

On a cold dark winter night hidden by the stormy light
A battle rages for the right for what will become
In the valley of the damned a warrior with sword in hand
Travels fast across the land for freedom he rides

And the sign from the master on high screams aloud and across hear the cry
For the kingdom of fire and ice and the power to be alive
Be strong ride on, carry on through the war
Come along carry on, living for ever more

On the wings of death by the hands of doom
By the darkest light from the darkest moon
Crossing silent seas over mountains high
For we stand as one tonight

On the black wind forever we ride on together
Destroying your evil with freedom our guide
When the master will storm us
He'll stand high before us
Our hearts filled with splendour
Our swords will shine over the light

In the valley of the damned
Days breaks with golden strand
Over pastures green it glows
To where night returns

In the shadows faces appear
Warriors wearing full metal gear
All join together one and all
Before the glorious light

Rise up, gather around
Come and hear what is said
Use your senses open your mind
Don't you ever forget

On the wings of life, by the hands of hope
By the brightest light from the brightest sun
Crossing silent seas over mountains high
To the valley of the damned

On the black wind forever we ride on together
Destroying your evil with freedom our guide
When the master will storm us
He'll stand high before us
Our hearts filled with splendour
Our swords will shine over the light

On the black wind forever we ride on together
Destroying your evil with freedom our guide
When the master will storm us
He'll stand high before us
Our hearts filled with splendour
Our swords will shine over the light

The black wind forever we ride on together
Destroying your evil with freedom our guide
When the master will storm us
He'll stand high before us
Our hearts filled with splendour
Our swords will shine over the light

The black...

E ljudi,daj poslušajte ovo,jedan od najboljih glazbenika:Manu Chao

Me Gustas Tu

Que hora son mi corazn
Te lo dije bien clarito
Permanece a la escucha

Permanece a la escucha
12 de la noche en La Habana, Cuba
11 de la noche en San Salvador, El Salvador
11 de la noche en Maragua, Nicaragua
Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tu.
Me gusta viajar, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la maana, me gustas tu.
Me gusta el viento, me gustas tu.
Me gusta soar, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la mar, me gustas tu.
Que voy a hacer,
je ne sais pas
Que voy a hacer
Je ne sais plus
Que voy a hacer
Je suis perdu
Que horas son, mi corazn
Me gusta la moto, me gustas tu.
Me gusta correr, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la lluvia, me gustas tu.
Me gusta volver, me gustas tu.
Me gusta marihuana, me gustas tu.
Me gusta colombiana, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la montaa, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la noche, me gustas tu.
Que voy a hacer,
je ne sais pas
Que voy a hacer
Je ne sais plus
Que voy a hacer
Je suis perdu
Que horas son, mi corazn

Me gusta la cena, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la vecina, me gustas tu.
Me gusta su cocina, me gustas tu.
Me gusta camelar, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la guitarra, me gustas tu.
Me gusta el regaee, me gustas tu.
Que voy a hacer,
je ne sais pas
Que voy a hacer
Je ne sais plus
Que voy a hacer
Je suis perdu
Que horas son, mi corazn
Me gusta la canela, me gustas tu.
Me gusta el fuego, me gustas tu.
Me gusta menear, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la Corua, me gustas tu.
Me gusta Malasaa, me gustas tu.
Me gusta la castaa, me gustas tu.
Me gusta Guatemala, me gustas tu.
Que voy a hacer,
je ne sais pas
Que voy a hacer
Je ne sais plus
Que voy a hacer
Je suis perdu
Que horas son, mi corazn
Que voy a hacer,
je ne sais pas
Que voy a hacer
Je ne sais plus
Que voy a hacer
Je suis perdu
Que horas son, mi corazn
Que voy a hacer,
je ne sais pas
Que voy a hacer
Je ne sais plus
Que voy a hacer
Je suis perdu
Que horas son, mi corazn

Que horas son, mi corazn
Que horas son, mi corazn
Que horas son, mi corazn

Que horas son, mi corazn

Que horas son, mi corazn

Radio reloj

5 de la maana

No todo lo que es oro brilla
Remedio chino e infalible